Brooks Lamb, Author of Love For the Land, Lessons from Farmers Who Persist in Place.

by Amy Campbell

Brooks Lamb, Author of Love For the Land, Lessons from Farmers Who Persist in Place.
Amy Campbell. The Tennessee Farm Table Podcast &Radio Broadcast


Brooks Lamb, Author of Love For the Land, Lessons from Farmers Who Persist in Place.

Today, we are setting the table with a discussion about land. Agricultural land, and the problem of the fast disappearance of this land across our country. Our guest is Brooks Lamb, Author of Love for the Land, Lessons from Farmers Who Persist in Place. Published through Yale University Press. This book is deeply related to Tennessee, Southern, and American agriculture. At its core, Love for the Land shares the power and potential of people-place relationships. To do so, the book explores why some small and midsize farmers continue to care for their land, even in the face of tremendous adversity. In terms of adversity, he pays particular attention to farmland loss from sprawl and haphazard development, agricultural consolidation, and, for farmers of color, injustices in the past and present. Despite these challenges, some small and midsized farmers persevere. In dozens of interviews with farmers in two Tennessee counties, which serve as microcosms of agrarian communities across the country, Brooks found that love for the land and devotion to place -- virtues that align with Wendell Berry's writings on imagination, affection, and fidelity -- fuel their persistence and stewardship. Brooks writes that we need to better support these farmers -- and that we all have something to learn from them, no matter where we live.

If you are moved by this podcast to help with this crucial problem of farmland loss - and are thinking about year-end-giving - there is an organization that Brooks is closely aligned and works with that is actively addressing farmland loss and conversion in the Volunteer State, this organization is called American Farmland Trust.

We have also placed a link directly to that organization on our website too. It is

Brooks Lamb’s website and where to buy Brooks Lamb’s book:

American Farmland Trust:

Emi Sunshine (Sang our theme song when she was 9 years old!):

Houston’s Mineral Well, New Market Tennessee

by Amy Campbell

Houston’s Mineral Well, New Market Tennessee
Amy Campbell. The Tennessee Farm Table Podcast & Broadcast

Houston’s Mineral Well, New Market Tennessee


Houston’s Mineral Well is located in New Market, Tennessee. Bill Houston narrates the story of Houston's Mineral Water which is still going strong since 1931. Bill Houston is the owner and operator of this Mineral Well that his Grandfather established. This well is a treasured watering hole for the community of Jefferson County, TN and beyond. It is said to have healing properties. The water healed Bill’s Grandfather after he had a dream to dig the well. Bill Houston is a gifted fine artist with a focus primarily on Tennessee landscapes. He also taught fine art to students at Carson Newman University for over 40 years. He used to teach his lecture on how to draw in perspective with the help of his Spice Girls ruler. Bill is a 3rd generation, New Market, Tennessee resident, a Tennessee treasure, and a fabulous storyteller. 

Houston's Mineral Well -

Links: Krista Reece - Author -

Fred Sauceman -

Emi Sunshine -

Photo ID: WC (Bill) Houston standing outside of his mineral well. Bill is the 3rd generation Houston to own and operate this well that his Grandfather dug. Photo: Amy Campbell, 2000.

East TN Homestead Alliance and ETHA Festival July 12-13, 2024, Townsend TN

by Amy Campbell

Audio Block
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East TN Homestead Alliance and ETHA Festival July 12-13, 2024, Townsend TN
Amy Campbell. The Tennessee Farm Table Podcast and Broadcast

S11:E23. East TN Homestead Alliance and ETHA Festival July 12-13, 2024, Townsend TN.

Today, we are setting the table with homesteading. Our guest is Sandy Eplett. She and her family are residents of Louden TN, they are homesteaders, she knows old-time homesteading ways and wants to equip others to learn these skills and connect. She has also created the ET Homestead Alliance as a hub for homesteaders to connect. She also has created 2024 ETHA Homestead Festival that will take place in Townsend TN at the Townsend Visitor’s Center July 12th and 13th. In this episode, we will hear about both.


ETHA Homestead Festival, Townsend, TN July 12-13th.

ETHA Facebook page:

ETHA website under the Wild Body School website name:

Jay Tipton Music: Length: 00:25:40

Sandy Eplett, Founder of the East Tennessee Homestead Alliance, Founder of the 2024 ETHA Homestead Festival, July 12-13, Townsend TN.

John Coykendall Saving Seeds and Stories

by Amy Campbell in ,

S11:E6. 02/10/2024

Saving Seeds and Stories with John Coykendall
Amy Campbell. The Tennessee Farm Table Podcast & Radio Broadcast

Saving Seeds and Stories with John Coykendall

Seed Saving & Stories with our seed-saving pal John Coykendall of Knoxville, TN. John tells us how he became a seed saver, some of the varieties he has saved, where to find old-time heirloom seed like the ones he saves, and shares plus some cute stories. John and I (Amy) worked together in the garden at Blackberry Farm together in 2007, where I learned from John the importance of this heirloom seed.

Dogwood Arts House & Garden Show:

Many of the varieties that John has saved and referenced in the podcast can be purchased at

John Coykendall on Facebook:

John Coykendall documentary:

John Coykendall book:

Fred Sauceman “Pot Luck Radio”:

Emi Sunshine (Sings our theme song):

More heirloom seed sources:

Seed Savers Exchange :

Southern Exposure Seed:

Sow True Seed:

Rare Seeds:

Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds, Rare Seed:

Photo ID: John Coykendall with Amy Campbell at the Blount County Public Library Seed Swap, January 2023. Photo: Amy Campbell.

Corn Relish and recipes with Rachel Davis, Kelly Smith Trimble’s corn audio essay

by Amy Campbell

Corn Relish and recipes with Rachel Davis, Kelly Smith Trimble’s corn audio essay
Amy Campbell. The Tennessee Farm Table Podcast and Radio Broadcast.

S10:E29. 7/22/203

Corn, Corn Relish, and Corn Cob Jelly recipes with Rachel Abbott Davis of J and R Farms, TN, plus a beautiful audio essay on corn from author and gardener Kelly Smith Trimble.


Kelly Smith Trimble:

J & R Farms:

Rachel’s Canning Corse:

Rachel’s instagram page:

USDA complete guide to home canning:

Recipe: This recipe came from a notebook of Rachel’s Great Grandmother Minnie Grindstaff’s canning recipes. Rachel and John had a truckload of corn they needed to do something with, so she decided to try this corn relish recipe out and loved it. They use it on everything as a side, and it is perfect on pinto beans with cornbread. The recipe calls for cabbage, but Rachel leaves that out.

Ingredient list:

•    12 ears fresh corn
•    1 large cabbage head, shredded
•    6 small garden onions, or 1 or 2 large onions
•    6 bell peppers
•    2 red sweet peppers
•    2 - 4 Jalapeno peppers
•    2 cups sugar
•    1 quart vinegar
•    1 T Salt
•    1 T Ground mustard


Cook corn and vinegar together for 20 minutes, add the rest and cook for 30 minutes. Ladle hot mixture into hot, sterilized jars leaving 1/2 inch head space. Clean jar lids with clean, damp cloth, apply lids and bands and finger tighten bands. Process jars according to approved waterbacth canning instructions, or better yet, Rachel also has posted the complete recipe on her blog.

Rachel also hosts an online canning corse that she calls a can along with details on her instagram page at:

Rachel Abbott Davis of Maryville Tennessee is a young mother of 5, a homesteader, Instagram influencer, offers a course on home canning, she and her husband John own and operate J & R Farm. Rachel is pictured holding one of her jars of corn relish. Rachel shares her Great Grandmother’s recipe for this corn relish on this episode. Find Rachel’s blog from this link: Photo: Amy Campbell 2022.

Special Growers, Maryville TN and Chattanooga Bakery's Moonpie

by Amy Campbell

S10:E15. 04/15/2023

Special Growers, Maryville TN and Chattanooga Bakery's Moonpie

Today, Special Growers, Maryville, TN, offers workforce development training and employment for people with learning differences who age out of high school and special education classes. Their story and Chattanooga Bakery’s Moonpie on my latest podcast and radio broadcast. Hope to have the honor of your good company! Thanks! At Special Growers, they grow culinary herbs and cut flowers and are supported by area restaurants, corporate donors, and community members. Kent Davis is our guest, a founding member of Special Growers, and a parent of a child who benefitted from Special Growers. In Fred Sauceman’s Pot-Luck Radio Series, he features the Moonpie, which has been made for over 100 years by the Chattanooga Bakery in Chattanooga, TN.

Special Growers:

Be sure to find the Special Growers instagram page for the latest events. Their handle is @specialgrowers

  • April 15th: Special growers plant sale beginning 9:00 A.M. - Amicis, Maryville, TN.
  • April 22: Maryville Farmers’ Market beginning 8:30 A.M. downtown Maryville, TN.
  • April 29: Pop-Up, Neighborly Books, downtown Maryville, TN.

Fred Sauceman:

Chattanooga Bakery, makers of the Moon Pie for over 100 years:

Emi Sunshine (sings our theme song):

Special Growers, Maryville TN and Chattanooga Bakery's Moonpie
Amy Campbell. The Tennessee Farm Table Podcast and Radio Broadcast

Participants of Special Growers, Maryville, TN.

Participants and staff at Special Growers, Maryville TN.

Pictured Left to Right are Harrison Inman, employee and artist at Special Growers and Director of Operations, Maria Laughlin.

Pictured left to right me (Amy Campbell) with Kent Davis. Kent is one of the founders of Special Growers and a parent of a child who benefitting from this organization.

Pictured left to right are Elise McDaniel, Maggie Gallaher, John Dudok, and Emily Knapp employees and volunteer at Special Growers, Maryville, Tennessee.

Mead from Flora De Mel Meadery, Rossville Georgia.

by Amy Campbell

S10:E11. 03/18/2023

Mead from Flora De Mel Meadery, Rossville Georgia.
Amy Campbell. The Tennessee Farm Table Podcast and Radio Broadcast

Flora De Mel. Meadery, Rossville Georgia.

Today, we are setting the table with Mead. My guest is Jay Martin, Co-Owner of Flora De Mel, a Meadery and full-service restaurant located in Rossville, GA, just over the state line of TN from downtown Chattanooga. Jay is a proponent of urban beekeeping. This business sprang out of his and his business partner and wife Stephanie’s beekeeping. And in this show, Jay will answer the question of …What a demijohn is. In Fred Sauceman’s Potluck Radio Series, he features the last surviving Blue Circle restaurant in Bristol, Tennessee.

Flora De Mel, Meadery

Fred Sauceman

Emi sunshine (sings our theme song)

Jay Martin photographed inside Flora De Mel with dimijohns fermenting with mead. Photo: Amy Campbell, 2021.

Flora De Mel, Rossville, Georgia. Photo: Amy Campbell, 2021.

Jay Martin sits at the bar in Flora De Mel. Bar stools in Flora De Mel made by chair maker Tyler Rogers, Chattanooga, Tennessee. Photo: Amy Campbell, 2021.

Bales Farms on Lard, White Cheddar Cheese, Eggs, the Montvales’ Sally Buice on making biscuits

by Amy Campbell

S10:E5. 02/04/2023

Aliceson Bales of Bales Farm, Mosheim, Tennessee, with her cookbook, shares with us the cooking aspects and nutritional properties of lard from pasture-raised animals. Aliceson also shares a recipe for her white cheddar pimento cheese from her cookbook “Bales Farm Cookbook” with the forward written by Dolly Parton. Marshall Bales, currently 15 years old and the 6th generation to farm on Bales Farm, shares how he started his egg program on Bales Farm.

Molly Rochelson and Sally Buice from the musical group The Montvales talk about their group. In addition, Sally shares how she makes her biscuits. She at one time was the biscuit queen for Cruze Farm Dairy!⁣


Bales Farms:

The Montvales:

Bales Farms on Lard, White Cheddar Cheese, Eggs, the Montvales’ Sally Buice on making biscuits
Amy Campbell, the Tennessee Farm Table Podcast & Broadcast

Marshall and Aliceson Bales Photo: Amy Campbell, 2022.

Molly Rochelson and Sally Buice of the Montvales

*All content Copyright © 2023 Campbell Creative, All rights reserved. Do not use images, video, or sound files without asking me (Amy Campbell) in writing.

Butter From the Block, Knoxville’s Small Batch compound Butter

by Amy Campbell

S10:E2. 01/14/2023

Butter From the Block, Knoxville’s Small Batch compound Butter
Amy Campbell, The Tennessee Farm Table Podcast and Broadcast

Butter From the Block, Knoxville’s Small Batch compound Butter

A visit with Kayla Sonneby and Kelley Calloway, Founders of a new small food business, Butter From the Block, Knoxville’s Small Batch compound Butter made in the shared commercial kitchen and food incubator Real Good Kitchen, Knoxville, TN. Amy visits with these two young food entrepreneurs on the development and creation of their new business, the flavors they produce, and where their compound butter can be found. To pre-order butter from them, contact them from their instagram page link below.

Butter From the Block Instagram Page:

Butter From the Block story featured in January, 2023 Issue of West Knoxville Lifestyle:

Seed and Plant Swap information January 21, 2023 :

Kayla Sonneby and Kelley Calloway inside Real good Kitchen, Knoxville, 2022. Photo: Kayla Sonneby.

Kelly Smith Trimble Vegetable Gardening Wisdom and thoughts on Collard Greens

by Amy Campbell

S9:E35. 10/08/2022

Kelly Smith Trimble Vegetable Gardening Wisdom and thoughts on Collard Greens

My guest today is Kelly Smith Trimble, an editor, writer, and gardener living in Knoxville, TN. Her book Vegetable Gardening Wisdom, a collection of seasonal advice and inspiration for edible gardeners, was released in April 2019 by Storey Publishing. Kelly is the senior digital editorial director for HGTV. She answers vegetable gardening questions in a social video series called Dig It, with more than a million views collectively. She has also been a writer and editor for Southern Living, the National Park Foundation, and Bonnie Plants. Her vegetable garden was featured in the June 2020 issue of Southern Living magazine. She was born in Knoxville and has spent her life in various parts of southern Appalachia. Today we hear about Kelly’s book, her gardening perspectives, and her thoughts on growing collard greens.

In Fred Sauceman’s “Potluck Radio” series, he features “Soutissa sausage” with a recording he made in 2018 with the Waldensian community of Valdese, North Carolina.

Dee Dee Constantine shares a recipe for sautéed trout with spinach and roasted red bell peppers from the Tupelo Honey Cookbook.

Kelly Smith Trimble: Kelly mentioned in our discussion the Heirllom Collard project, ere is their link:

Fred Sauceman:

Mary “Dee Dee” Constantine:

Kelly Smith Trimble Vegetable Gardening Wisdom and thoughts on Collard Greens
Amy Campbell. The Tennessee Farm Table Podcast and Broadcast

Kelly Smith Trimble.

Kelly’s garden buddy and good dog, Rufus.

Seed Swap, Seed Library, and Master Gardener Deena Trimble on winter sowing.

by Amy Campbell

S9.E3. 01/22/2022

Seed Swap, Seed Library, and Master Gardener Deena Trimble on winter sowing.
Amy Campbell - The Tennessee Farm Table Podcast & Broadcast

Seed Swap, Seed Library, and Master Gardener Deena Trimble on winter sowing.

In honor of the upcoming National Seed Swap Day, we are setting the table with swapping seeds. It is that time of the year when we plan our gardens, order our seeds, and, if we are lucky, attend a local seed swap to swap seeds and stories with our neighbors. Today, we visit with Sheila Pennycuff, a Librarian at the Blount County Public Library located in Maryville, TN, and the woman who took an old wooden card catalog and turned it into a seed library. This seed library is located inside the Blount County Public Library. It is an excellent service to the community where patrons check out seed and contribute seed back to the seed library.

I also let you know about a seed swap that will take place at the Library on January 29th, which is National Seed Swap Day. In addition to the seed swap, Deena Trimble will also talk about winter sowing and seed starting. Today we will also hear from Deena about her seed saving, swapping, and growing.


Seed Swap info:

Seed Library information:

Seed Swap information:

In honor of National Seed Swap Day, which falls on the last Saturday of January. There will be a seed swap and talk hosted by the Blount County Public Library and the Master Gardeners group members. Deena Trimble will speak on the topic of winter sowing and seed starting. Deena is a master gardener with years of experience, and she will speak from 11-12:00 Noon.

This event takes place on National Seed Swap Day, Saturday, January 29th, 2022, from 10AM-12:00 PM in the Sharon Lawson and Dorothy Herron Room located inside the Blount County Public Library in Maryville, TN.

Bring your seeds and be ready to talk about gardening. Even if you don’t have seeds to swap, there will be seeds for you to take. If you do bring seeds to swap, they ask that you please follow the following guidelines: Seed must be open-pollinated, Non-GMO seed stock. The seed must be clean and dried, and please bring your own plastic baggies with you to share and receive. Bring paper and pens to label the packets seed too. If you really have it together, bring the seed proportioned in airtight packaging already labeled.

The address where this Seed Swap and talk will be taking place is is 508 N Cusick St. Maryville, TN 37804.

The Blount County Public Library Seed Catalog, painted by me (Amy Campbell.) Photo from Sheila Pennycuff.

Deena Trimble’s winter sowing containers. Photo from Sheila Pennycuff.

Deena Trimble’s winter sowing containers with the lids lifted.

Close-up of Deena Trimble’s winter sowing container with plants ready to be put into the dirt. Photo from Sheila Pennycuff.

Master Gardener Deena Trimble. Photo from Sheila Pennycuff.